Lacquer Thinner Retarder 250ml

Lacquer Thinner Retarder 250ml

Reference TA87194
1 Item

Last time this product was added to a cart: 12/16/2019

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This new product not only thins lacquer paints for airbrushing, it also includes retardant to slow the drying of the thinned paint, particularly useful in covering up any overspray and getting a glossy finish.

• Can be used to thin Tamiya Color Lacquer Paints and Spray Paints, in a ratio of between 1:1 and 2:1 (thinner:paint). • Retarder slows drying, particularly useful in cases such as that shown overleaf, when undesired overspray can ruin a glossy paint job if it dries before you can get to it. • Helps to avoid blushing (when moisture gets trapped with paint and you end up with a foggy white finish) in humid conditions. • Contents: 250ml.

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